Gift Aid


Gift Aid

Boost your donation by 25%

Gift Aid is a government initiative that allows donations given to UK charities to be tax-effective. As soon as you give your permission and confirm your eligibility, we can claim the tax back on your donation.

This means we can claim back from the government on your behalf 25p for every £1 donated, increasing the value of the donation by a quarter.

Am I eligible to add Gift Aid to my donations?

You qualify for Gift Aid if you meet the following criteria:

  • You are a UK taxpayer
  • You pay enough tax*

*Your donations will qualify as long as they’re not more than 4 times what you have paid in tax in that tax year (6 April to 5 April). The tax could have been paid on income or capital gains.

How do I sign up to Gift Aid?

When you make a donation to us – online, over the phone or at Box Office – you will be asked if you are eligible to add Gift Aid to your donation, this declaration will be valid for 12 months*. If you have already declared your eligibility in the past 12 months Gift Aid will be added automatically and your donation will be boosted by 25% without you needing to do anything!

*You must tell us if you stop paying enough tax and are no longer are eligible to add Gift Aid. Similarly, if you change your name or have moved house please let us know so we can update your record, please call 01904 623568 or email 

What if I pay tax at the higher rate?

If you pay tax above the basic rate, you can claim the difference between the rate you pay and basic rate on your donation.

If you want to receive the additional tax relief you must:

  • Include all your Gift Aid donations on your Self-Assessment Tax Return
  • Ask HM Revenue and Customs to adjust your tax code.
Example: You donate £100 to us – we claim Gift Aid to make your donation £125. You pay 40% tax so you can personally claim back £25.00 (£125 x 20%).


Gift Aid Declaration

Gift Aid